SANSUI QS-1 Four Channel Synthesizer Decoder Vintage 1970 Hi End On 220 volts NEW! Four Channel Synthesizer Decoder (1970-72) Description: Sansui's history-making 4-Channel Synthesizer Decoder QS-1, the ingenious yet inexpensive instrument that magically transforms 4- channel stereo signals into a breathtakingly live sound field. An extraordinary stereo achievement, the QS-1 is having a profound impact on the entire world of stereo in two ways. First, it permits stereo enthusiasts to continue to use and enjoy their present 2 channel stereo equipment and program sources while moving into the new audio era. And secondly, it is obviating the need for 4 channel equipment and program sources per se because, as distinguished audio technicians have attested, the QS-1 actually surpasses any 4 channel devices yet developed in terms of sound field brilliance.

  • Бренд: Sansui
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  • Политика возврата: Возврат товара не предусмотрен.